Regain Your Memory With This Little-Known (and Safe) Drug

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

April 1, 2019



Memory loss is one of the most terrifying health problems you can experience. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or dementia can paralyze you with fear. All of a sudden, you know your mental abilities are going to disappear. Your dignity and personality will be gone. And your closest relationships will be snuffed out.

A recent poll stated that the number one fear many people have as they get older is not cancer or heart disease. It’s dementia. Dementia is truly terrifying. Imagine getting old and not being able to remember and reminisce about all of the good times in your life. Imagine the fear of finishing your life in an institution because you can’t do even the simplest of things for yourself.

Even worse, imagine knowing there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it ... or is there?

It’s true that there’s no cure for Alzheimer’s. But if you catch your memory loss early enough, there is something you can do about it. In fact, I see patients all the time who are losing their memory. And, in most cases, I can restore their memory to what it was five or ten years ago.

Judy is one of those patients. When I first saw her, she was terrified. And she had good reason to be. Her mom had died at the age of 72 from Alzheimer’s disease. For the last seven years of her life, she did not even know who Judy was. Judy didn’t want to have the same thing happen to her.

But at 48 years old, Judy noticed her memory was already slipping. Little everyday things, such as remembering where she put her keys or what she had gone into the bedroom to get, were escaping her. She was afraid that it was an early sign of Alzheimer’s.

How Severe Is Your Memory Loss?

To determine how far along her memory loss was, I gave her the standard 10-word memory test. In this test, I say 10 nouns to the person. After I say each word, the patient repeats the word. Then I ask the person to recall as many of the words as possible.

After we finish this, I repeat this process again using the same 10 words. Finally, I repeat the process a third time, only this time the person just hears the same words without repeating them.

If the person remembers fewer than three words, it’s clear dementia has set in. If the person remembers fewer than five words, it indicates a significant memory problem. More than seven words indicate normal memory. Judy was able to remember only six words. Her score was not enough to indicate dementia, but was still poor enough to warrant some concern.

The Best Treatment

The best treatment for dementia is prevention. Once brain cells are destroyed, there’s very little that can be done to replace them. If you notice any signs of memory loss, you need to see a doctor quickly. The earlier you begin treatment, the more likely you’ll see positive results.

The fact that dementia primarily hits men over the age of 65 and women over the age of 50 should tell you that hormones play a major role in dementia. Judy was noticing problems just before she hit 50, so I suspected hormones had a lot to do with it.

The most common deficiencies are thyroid hormones, growth hormones, and the sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men). A deficiency of one or more of these hormones is often a major factor leading to dementia.

Other important factors in dementia are vitamin/mineral deficiencies and a lack of exercise. A diet high in protein and vegetables, and low in sugars is best. That should be supplemented with a good, concentrated all around multivitamin/mineral program such as you get in my Super Immune QuickStart. QuickStart also contains 120 mg of gingko biloba extract, which had been shown to improve blood flow to the brain. In addition to QuickStart, also take two to three capsules of Complete Daily Oils. Finally, a program of regular exercise – 20-30 minutes, three to four times per week – is absolutely vital for good brain health.

Judy wasn’t doing any of these things. So I checked her hormone levels and her fitness level, and then helped her establish a comprehensive program. But this was not going to be enough. Her memory was already significantly impaired. She needed more than just prevention. She needed a treatment that would bring her brain function back to normal.

When Prevention Isn’t Enough

Fortunately, there’s a very effective way to restore your memory. You won’t find this treatment at any conventional doctor’s office. That’s because the treatment involves a drug that’s not approved by the FDA. Fortunately, that won’t prevent you from legally getting and using it. It’s a drug the Europeans have used for over 30 years to improve memory function in people with age-related memory loss.

The drug is piracetam. Piracetam is a derivative of the amino acid GABA, which is one of the most important neurotransmitters in the brain. While piracetam is classified as a drug, most Europeans consider it more of a food supplement than a chemical drug. That’s because it is completely safe and non-toxic. There are no side effects, even when it’s used for years at doses that are 10 times higher than I ever recommend.

Piracetam is a proven memory enhancer both in Europe and in my own practice. It can even protect you from memory loss caused by physical injury (including stroke) and chemical poisoning. It improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the brain (poor circulation in the brain is a cause of dementia). It helps the recall abilities of age-related dementia patients. And it can improve the memory of Alzheimer’s patients.

Piracetam works by affecting certain structures in the brain cells called polyribosomes. Polyribosomes make the specific proteins that allow brain cells to store new information. If you are going into the bedroom to get something, polyribosomes must make the proteins necessary for your brain to remember what you are going in there to get.

Piracetam helps polyribosomes work more effectively. But it does even more than that. It also causes an increase in the production of more polyribosomes. As a result, you can stop taking piracetam after a while and you’ll still retain the memory improvements.

Obviously, piracetam is a powerful weapon in the battle against dementia. But as strong as it is, there’s an easy way to make it even stronger. All you have to do is combine it with the natural fat phosphatidyl choline and coffee. Yes, coffee. I’ll explain why in a moment.

I rarely see this combination fail to restore optimal memory in a normal, healthy person, such as Judy. Here’s why it works so well.

The main brain chemical that’s involved with memory is acetylcholine. The amount of acetylcholine that the brain manufactures decreases as we get older. Fortunately, acetylcholine is made in the brain from choline, which is found in many foods (including beef, liver, eggs, and soy). The problem with dietary choline is that it can’t get into the brain in the amounts needed to increase acetylcholine levels. But phosphatidyl choline, a concentrated form of choline, passes into the brain very efficiently. And many studies show that it definitely elevates sagging acetylcholine levels.

One study in particular looked at the effect of piracetam and phosphatidyl choline on the memory of a breed of rats that is prone to dementia. The researchers divided a bunch of rats into four different groups. They gave these rats either nothing, piracetam, choline, or piracetam and choline together. They found that when used alone, the piracetam and the choline worked just slightly better than nothing. But when they combined them, the memory scores were “several times better than those taking piracetam alone.”

Better yet, consuming caffeine along with phosphatidyl choline increases the production of acetylcholine even more. This is because of caffeine’s effect on adenosine. Adenosine is a brain chemical that inhibits acetylcholine synthesis. So by inhibiting adenosine, caffeine is able to increase acetylcholine levels. Ever wonder why your brain works so much better after drinking some coffee? That’s why.

Here’s the Program and How Well It Works

The day Judy came to see me, I started her on my standard protocol. For the first week, I give what is called a “loading dose” of piracetam. This is a much higher dose than is used in the weeks to follow, but it really helps to jump-start the memory. Judy started taking three 800 mg capsules, three times a day.

After the first week, she reduced this to two capsules, two times a day. Piracetam stays in your bloodstream for about five hours. So it should be taken in three divided doses over the course of the day to get the most out of it.

Each time she took the capsules, she took them with a cup of coffee. At the same time, she also took a total of 2,000 mg per day of phosphatidyl choline in divided doses. Then we just waited patiently. It often takes several weeks of this treatment before the patient sees a substantial improvement in memory.

I asked her to come back in six weeks. When she walked into the exam room, she had a big grin on her face. Her overall brain function had improved so much that she was no longer worried about following in her mother’s footsteps. She could think more clearly. She noticed that her memory retention while she was reading was much better. And she had decided to take advantage of the changes and was starting to learn a new language. “I’ve never been very good at languages,” she said, “but it seems so much easier for me now.”

Judy and I both wanted to see how much her memory function test improved. Remember, only six weeks earlier, she could repeat only six words. She could now remember nine. I told her that I had never yet tested anyone who was able to remember all 10.

Judy continued the piracetam for another four months. Then she stopped it. I have found that it’s not necessary to take piracetam continuously. Once it has fully restored polyribosome function, your body can maintain the gains in brain function without it.

She still takes 1,000 mg of phosphatidyl choline each day, and she has replaced the coffee with green tea. Green tea doesn’t contain as much caffeine as coffee, but Judy no longer needs the higher dose. And green tea has a number of other beneficial aspects to it that coffee doesn’t have.

As long as Judy continues her program of diet, regular exercise, supplements, and hormones she will never have to worry about dementia. She can just forget about it.

You can get phosphatidyl choline at any health food store. You can get piracetam 800 mg capsules at


Bartus, R., et al. “Profound effects of combining choline and piracetam on memory enhancement and cholinergic function in aged rats.” Neurobiol Aging. 2(2):105-111, 1981.

Dimond, S.J., et al. “Increase in the power of human memory in normal man with the use of drugs.” Psychopharmacology, 49(3):307-309, 1976.

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